High Paying International Relations Jobs In Nigeria 2024 - Top 10

Joe McGoldrick
July 8, 2024 · 12 min read

In today's interconnected world, international relations play a crucial role in shaping diplomatic, economic, and social interactions between nations.

Nigeria, as a prominent nation in Africa, offers a range of high-paying international relations jobs that provide exciting career opportunities for graduates.

Whether you hold a degree in international relations, political science, or a related field, this article will highlight the top 10 high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria for the year 2024.

Each job opportunity, shown below, will be accompanied by salary expectations and reasons why interested candidates should consider pursuing these career paths.

Top 10 High Paying International Relations Jobs In Nigeria 2024

1. Diplomatic Officer

Salary Expectations: Competitive salary ranging from ₦8,000,000 to ₦12,000,000 per annum

As a Diplomatic Officer, you will represent Nigeria's interests abroad and facilitate diplomatic relations between Nigeria and other nations. This role requires strong communication and negotiation skills, as well as an understanding of international protocols and diplomacy. Diplomatic Officers have the opportunity to contribute to Nigeria's foreign policy objectives while working closely with government agencies, global organizations, and foreign embassies.

Why Consider This Job?

  • It provides an opportunity to actively shape Nigeria's foreign relations.

  • You will gain exposure to a wide range of diplomatic negotiations and international cooperation initiatives.

  • The role offers the chance to travel and experience different cultures while representing the nation.

diplomatic officer

2. International Development Specialist

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦7,000,000 to ₦10,000,000 per annum

International Development Specialists focus on improving social and economic conditions in developing countries through strategic planning, project management, and policy analysis. In this role, you will collaborate with governments, NGOs, and international organizations to implement programs that promote sustainable development, poverty reduction, and socioeconomic growth. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a deep understanding of global affairs, are essential for success in this field.

Why Consider This Job?

  • You can contribute to improving the lives of people in developing countries.

  • International Development Specialists often work on multidisciplinary projects, providing a diverse and dynamic work environment.

  • This role offers opportunities to collaborate with leading global organizations such as the World Bank, African Union, and United Nations.

3. Intelligence Analyst

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦2,500,000 to ₦7,500,000 per annum

Intelligence Analysts play a critical role in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information to support decision-making in matters of national security and foreign policy. As an Intelligence Analyst, you will assess geopolitical trends, monitor potential threats, and provide actionable intelligence to government agencies and policymakers. This role requires strong analytical thinking, attention to detail, and the ability to work under pressure.

Why Consider This Job?

  • You can contribute to national security efforts and protect Nigeria's interests.

  • Intelligence Analysts have access to classified information and work closely with government agencies involved in security and defense.

  • The role offers a dynamic and intellectually stimulating work environment, providing continuous learning opportunities.

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4. Communications Officer

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦2,500,000 to ₦7,500,000 per annum

Communications Officers are responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies that enhance the reputation and public image of organizations. In the realm of international relations, Communications Officers often work for government agencies, global organizations, or private sector companies with global reach. This role involves crafting compelling messages, managing media relations, and coordinating public relations campaigns to effectively convey key messages to target audiences.

Why Consider This Job?

  • You can shape public perception and influence public opinion on critical issues.

  • Communications Officers often work on high-profile projects and have the opportunity to interact with influential stakeholders.

  • This role requires strong verbal and written communication skills, making it suitable for those with a passion for storytelling and media relations.

5. Immigration Specialist

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦4,000,000 to ₦7,000,000 per annum

As an Immigration Specialist, you will navigate the complex field of immigration laws and policies, assisting individuals and businesses with visa applications, residency permits, and compliance issues. This role is particularly relevant in today's globalized world, where individuals and corporations seek to engage in cross-border activities. Immigration Specialists work in both public and private sectors, supporting the government's immigration services or providing consultancy services to clients.

Why Consider This Job?

  • Immigration Specialists play a crucial role in facilitating cross-border mobility and promoting global cooperation.

  • This field offers diverse career paths, including opportunities in government agencies, law firms, and multinational corporations.

  • You can assist individuals and businesses in navigating immigration regulations, making a positive impact on their lives and operations.

6. Policy Analyst

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦5,000,000 to ₦7,200,000 per annum

Policy Analysts critically evaluate and analyze policies, regulations, and legislative frameworks to provide informed recommendations for decision-making. They work in various sectors, including government agencies, think tanks, and research institutions. Policy Analysts contribute to shaping effective policies that address complex social, economic, and environmental challenges. Strong analytical, research, and writing skills are essential for success in this field.

Why Consider This Job?

  • Policy Analysts have the opportunity to influence policy decisions that impact the nation's development and governance.

  • This field offers a wide range of career opportunities, including roles in public administration, research institutions, and international organizations.

  • Policy Analysts can specialize in areas such as public health, education, environmental sustainability, or economic development, aligning their careers with their passion and interests.

policy analyst

7. International Humanitarian Officer

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦4,000,000 to ₦6,000,000 per annum

International Humanitarian Officers work for NGOs, global organizations, or government agencies to coordinate and implement humanitarian programs in crisis-affected regions. This role involves managing projects related to emergency response, disaster relief, and long-term development in areas such as public health, food security, and shelter. International Humanitarian Officers require strong leadership, coordination, and problem-solving skills to address complex challenges in challenging environments.

Why Consider This Job?

  • You can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations affected by conflicts, disasters, or epidemics.

  • International Humanitarian Officers work in diverse and multicultural settings, gaining valuable cross-cultural communication skills.

  • This field provides opportunities for worldwide travel and exposure to different regions and cultures.

8. International Trade Specialist

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦3,000,000 to ₦5,000,000 per annum

International Trade Specialists facilitate economic cooperation and trade between Nigeria and other nations. They provide expertise in areas such as import/export regulations, trade agreements, market analysis, and supply chain management. Global Trade Specialists often work in government agencies, trade associations, or private sector companies engaged in global trade. This role requires strong analytical skills, knowledge of global markets, and an understanding of international trade policies.

Why Consider This Job?

  • International Trade Specialists contribute to expanding Nigeria's trade opportunities and boosting the economy.

  • This field offers exposure to international business dynamics, market trends, and global supply chains.

  • You can work in collaboration with multinational companies, government agencies, and trade organizations to drive economic growth through international trade.

9. International Law Consultant

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦3,000,000 to ₦5,000,000 per annum

International Law Consultants provide legal advice and expertise on matters related to international law, treaties, and conventions. They work in law firms, global organizations, or governmental institutions involved in legal affairs. International Law Consultants assist clients in navigating the complex landscape of international law, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with international legal frameworks. Strong legal knowledge, research skills, and the ability to interpret complex legal documents are essential for success in this field.

Why Consider This Job?

  • International Law Consultants contribute to upholding international legal standards and protecting the interests of clients in cross-border transactions.

  • This field offers diverse career paths, including opportunities to work in international tribunals, human rights organizations, or multinational corporations.

  • You can engage in intellectually stimulating work, researching and analyzing legal issues with an global dimension.

10. International Relations Researcher

Salary Expectations: Salary range of ₦3,000,000 to ₦4,500,000 per annum

International Relations Researchers play a crucial role in analyzing global trends, conducting in-depth research, and producing reports on international affairs. They work in research institutions, think tanks, or academic settings. International Relations Researchers contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of international relations by gathering data, analyzing policies, and providing insights on geopolitical dynamics. Strong research, analytical, and writing skills are essential for this role.

Why Consider This Job?

  • International Relations Researchers contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding of international relations.

  • This field offers opportunities to work with leading research institutions, think tanks, and academic institutions, collaborating with experts in the field.

  • You can specialize in areas such as regional studies, conflict resolution, global governance, or international political economy, aligning your research with your interests and expertise.

Looking to Pursue A High Paying International Relations Career in Nigeria?

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Want to take your career even further? Consider how a BBA or MBA can help you develop these skills and increase your earning potential.


In Nigeria, the field of international relations offers a wide range of high-paying career opportunities for graduates.

Whether you have a degree in international relations, political science, or a related field, these top 10 jobs in international relations provide a pathway to contribute to the nation's diplomacy, development, and global engagement.

From diplomatic officers shaping foreign relations to intelligence analysts protecting national security, each role presents unique challenges and rewards.

Consider your interests, skills, and aspirations when exploring these high-paying global relations jobs in Nigeria, and embark on a fulfilling career that makes a significant impact on the global stage.

top paying international relations jobs in nigeria

Best Paying International Relations Jobs in Nigeria 2024 - FAQs

What jobs can international relations get you?

An international relations degree opens up a diverse range of career opportunities. Graduates can pursue roles such as Diplomatic Officers, International Development Specialists, Intelligence Analysts, Communications Officers, Immigration Specialists, Policy Analysts, International Humanitarian Officers, International Trade Specialists, International Law Consultants, and International Relations Researchers. These jobs involve working in various sectors, including government agencies, global organizations, NGOs, private companies, and research institutions.

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What can you do with a master's in international relations?

A master's degree in international relations can enhance career prospects and open doors to more advanced roles within the field. With a master's degree, you can pursue positions such as Senior Diplomatic Officer, Policy Advisor, International Project Manager, Research Analyst, International Consultant, or Academic Researcher. The advanced knowledge and specialized skills acquired through a master's program enable graduates to take on leadership roles, conduct in-depth research, and contribute to shaping policies and strategies.

How much does an international relations specialist make?

The salary of a global relations specialist varies depending on factors such as the job position, years of experience, qualifications, and the employer. However, high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria typically offer competitive salaries. For example, Diplomatic Officers can expect salaries ranging from ₦8,000,000 to ₦12,000,000 per annum, while Intelligence Analysts may earn between ₦6,000,000 to ₦9,000,000 per annum. Salaries for other positions like International Development Specialists, Communications Officers, and Immigration Specialists range from ₦4,000,000 to ₦8,000,000 per annum.

Does international relations pay well?

Yes, international relations can be a lucrative field, offering high-paying job opportunities. Many positions in international relations, such as Diplomatic Officers, International Development Specialists, and Intelligence Analysts, come with attractive salary packages. However, it is important to note that salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, qualifications, job position, and employer. Furthermore, career progression, additional language skills, and specialization in specific areas of international relations can also contribute to higher earning potential.

What qualifications do I need for high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria?

The qualifications required for high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria vary depending on the specific job and employer. Generally, a bachelor's degree in international relations, political science, or a related field is a common requirement. For more advanced positions or specialized roles, a master's degree or even a Ph.D. may be preferred. In addition to educational qualifications, relevant work experience, language proficiency (particularly in English), and knowledge of international affairs and geopolitical dynamics are often sought after by employers.

Are there job vacancies for international relations graduates in Lagos State?

Yes, Lagos State, being a prominent economic and commercial hub in Nigeria, offers various job opportunities for international relations graduates. Government agencies, multinational corporations, NGOs, and international organizations may have vacancies suitable for international relations graduates in Lagos State. It is advisable to regularly check job portals, company websites, and professional networks to stay updated on job openings in Lagos State specifically for international relations graduates.

How can I qualify for high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria?

To qualify for high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria, it is essential to acquire relevant qualifications, such as a degree in international relations or a related field. Additionally, gaining relevant work experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions can significantly enhance your qualifications. Developing strong analytical, research, communication, and problem-solving skills is crucial. Keeping up-to-date with foreign affairs, networking with professionals in the field, and continuously improving your knowledge and expertise will also help increase your chances of qualifying for high-paying international relations jobs.

Are there job vacancies for international relations graduates in Abuja?

Yes, Abuja, being the capital city of Nigeria and home to various governmental and diplomatic institutions, offers job opportunities for international relations graduates. Government agencies, foreign embassies, international organizations, and think tanks often have job vacancies in Abuja that are suitable for international relations graduates. It is advisable to explore job portals, attend career fairs, and engage with professional networks in Abuja to discover job openings specific to international relations graduates.

How many years of experience are typically required for high-paying global relations jobs in Nigeria?

The number of years of experience required for high-paying international relations jobs in Nigeria can vary depending on the job position, seniority level, and employer's preferences. Entry-level positions may require minimal experience, while more senior roles or specialized positions may require several years of relevant work experience. Generally, having at least 2-5 years of experience in international relations, public policy, diplomacy, or related fields can enhance your prospects for securing high-paying positions.

Are there job vacancies for international relations graduates in other states of Nigeria, such as Ogun, Borno, or Edo?

Yes, job vacancies for international relations graduates can be found in various states across Nigeria. While Lagos and Abuja may have more concentrated opportunities, organizations and government agencies operate in different states and often require international relations expertise. States such as Ogun, Borno, Edo, and others may have job vacancies in government agencies, NGOs, or global organizations. It is recommended to explore job portals, industry-specific websites, and professional networks to find job openings in specific states of interest.

Remember to stay proactive, conduct thorough job searches, customize your applications, and leverage networking opportunities to increase your chances of finding relevant job vacancies in your desired location and field of international relations.

Please note that the information provided in this article and the FAQs is based on general research and should be used as a guide. Salaries and job prospects may vary based on individual circumstances, industry trends, and the economic climate. It is advisable for individuals to conduct further research and consult with relevant professionals for accurate and up-to-date information.

Looking to Pursue A High Paying International Relations Career in Nigeria?

Discover how you can acquire the most in-demand skills with our free report, and open the doors to a successful career. Download the free report today!

Want to take your career even further? Consider how a BBA or MBA can help you develop these skills and increase your earning potential.

About the author
Joe McGoldrick
Joe McGoldrick

Known for strategy and attention to detail

Joe has more than 10 years of marketing experience, working within the public sector, client-side, and agency side.

He is passionate about using data and customer insights to improve marketing performance.

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