How Long Does it Take to Get a Degree in Entrepreneurship?

Mark Talmage-Rostron
July 24, 2024 · 9 min read

Discover how long it takes to earn a degree in entrepreneurship online and learn about the career opportunities that come with an entrepreneurship online degree.

Well that is almost like asking how long a piece of string is, as an entrepreneurship degree depends on several key factors such as the cost of an online entrepreneurship program or its online coursework.

The duration to obtain a degree in entrepreneurship can vary depending on the educational institution and the specific program. Also, if the educational institution offers a degree online, such as a online bachelor's in entrepreneurship or bachelor's in business, there is the variable of how much time outside of work environment the learner can dedicate to the program. But it will be worth it as the cost for an online entrepreneurship program can be a great deal less than earning it on campus and importantly help founders make better business decisions.

Typically, undergraduate degrees such as a bachelor's in entrepreneurship or an associate degree typically range around four years, requiring learners to complete a certain number of credit hours in various business and entrepreneurial courses. However, some universities may offer accelerated online entrepreneurship programs or allow online students to customize their coursework, potentially shortening the time required to earn a degree. Additionally, graduate-level degrees, such as the Master of Science in Entrepreneurship, generally take one to two years to complete, depending on whether the learner is attending full-time or part-time. Overall, the time it takes to earn a degree in entrepreneurship can range from a few years for a bachelor's degree to up to six years or more for advanced degrees, including doctoral programs.

Nexford's Master of Science in Entrepreneurship online degree typically can be completed in an average of 18 months or shorter if the learner wants. The faster they finish, the more money they’ll save. The same is true for Nexford's BBA in Entrepreneurship, which can be completed in 48 months or less.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Degree in Entrepreneurship?

Bachelors Degree

A Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship can typically take four years of full-time study to complete. This duration may vary slightly depending on factors such as the specific requirements of the program, any transfer credits or prior learning experiences that can be applied towards the degree, and whether the learner opts for an accelerated or part-time study schedule.

During the four years, learners typically engage in a variety of coursework covering topics such as business fundamentals, finance, marketing, innovation, and venture creation, all aimed at equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as entrepreneurs or in entrepreneurial roles within existing organizations.

Nexford's BBA with specialization in Entrepreneurship can be taken in an average of 48 months, or shorter if you want. The faster you finish, the more money that you'll save. With just 15-20 hours per week, you work whilst you learn.

Masters Degree

The duration to earn a Master's degree such as a master of business administration in Entrepreneurship typically ranges from one to two years of full-time study, depending on the specific program structure and whether the learner attends classes on a part-time or full-time basis.

Master's programs in Entrepreneurship often require learners to complete a set number of credit hours through a combination of coursework, experiential learning opportunities, and sometimes a thesis or capstone project. Some programs like an online entrepreneurship degree may offer accelerated options or allow learners to customize their schedules, potentially shortening the time required to earn the degree.

Overall, most learners complete their Master's degree in Entrepreneurship within one to two years, during which they delve deeper into advanced topics such as entrepreneurial finance, strategic planning, innovation management, and venture capital.

Nexford's Master of Science in Entrepreneurship with a concentration in entrepreneurship can be completed in an average of 18 months or shorter if the learner wants. The faster they finish, the more money they’ll save, and all that needs to be dedicated to the program is 10-15 hours per week.


In conclusion, the duration to obtain a degree in entrepreneurship varies depending on the level of education pursued and the specific program's structure. For a Bachelor's degree, it typically takes around four years of full-time study, during which learners acquire foundational knowledge and skills in business and entrepreneurship.

On the other hand, a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship generally ranges from one to two years, focusing on advanced concepts and providing learners with specialized training to excel in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Regardless of the degree level, the journey toward earning a degree in entrepreneurship to help start a business is an investment in acquiring the necessary expertise and experience to navigate the dynamic landscape of innovation and business creation. Whether pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies, the goal remains consistent: to develop the mindset, knowledge, and abilities essential for success in the entrepreneurial world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a degree in entrepreneurship?

A degree in entrepreneurship is an educational program designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to take the next step to start, manage, and grow their own businesses or innovate within existing organizations.

These programs typically cover a broad range of topics relevant to entrepreneurship, including business fundamentals, finance, marketing, innovation, strategy, leadership, and venture creation. Learners learn about identifying market opportunities, developing business plans, securing funding, managing resources, and navigating the challenges of launching and scaling a business.

Depending on the level of the degree (e.g., Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate), business programs may vary in depth and specialization, with higher-level degrees often delving into more advanced concepts and offering opportunities for research and practical application. Overall, a degree in entrepreneurship which can be an online format provides learners or early business owners with the tools and knowledge necessary when they study entrepreneurship to thrive in the dynamic and competitive world of entrepreneurship.

Is a degree in entrepreneurship worth it?

Whether a degree in entrepreneurship is worth it depends on individual circumstances, career goals, and the specific program chosen but there are quite a few positives when evaluating if it's for you and if so, if it's worth it.

An entrepreneurship degree can provide valuable skills and knowledge in business management, innovation, marketing, finance, and more, which are essential for starting and running a successful business. Many entrepreneurship programs offer opportunities to connect with industry professionals, mentors, and fellow aspiring entrepreneurs, which can be invaluable for building a supportive network and accessing resources and opportunities.

A degree in entrepreneurship can serve as a credential that demonstrates your commitment to entrepreneurship and your competence in business management, which may be beneficial for securing funding, partnerships, or employment opportunities. Some entrepreneurship programs provide access to resources such as incubators, accelerators, funding opportunities, and mentorship programs, which can greatly support the launch and growth of entrepreneurial ventures.

It's essential to consider the cost of obtaining a degree in entrepreneurship compared to the potential return on investment. This includes factors such as tuition fees, opportunity costs (e.g., income lost while studying), and the potential earnings and opportunities that a degree may unlock in the future. The Nexford MSE is 100% online so learners need not quite their job or work less hours because they are studying for one. So there won't be an impact on earnings.

Ultimately, whether a degree in entrepreneurship is worth it depends on your personal goals, preferences, and circumstances. It's essential to research different programs such as online programs, consider your long-term career aspirations, and weigh the potential benefits and costs before making a decision.

What is the best degree for an entrepreneur?

The best degree for an entrepreneur depends on various factors, including individual interests, what career in business they desire, and the specific industry or field in which the entrepreneur plans to operate. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, several degrees and business courses can provide valuable knowledge and skills for aspiring entrepreneurs.

A degree specifically focused on entrepreneurship for small business owners can provide comprehensive training in business management, innovation, venture creation, and entrepreneurial strategies to equip founders with the skills to succeed in a competitive business world. Many online programs often offer practical experiences, networking opportunities, and access to resources tailored to aspiring entrepreneurs. Degrees in business administration offer a broad foundation in business principles, including finance, marketing, management, and operations. An MBA with a concentration or specialization in entrepreneurship can provide additional depth in entrepreneurial topics and strategic planning.

Understanding financial management is crucial for any entrepreneur. A graduate degree in finance can provide knowledge and skills in financial analysis, investment strategies, risk management, and fundraising, which are essential for starting and growing a business. Effective marketing is essential for attracting customers, building brand awareness, and driving sales. Business degrees in marketing can provide expertise in market research, consumer behavior, advertising, digital marketing, and branding, which are valuable for entrepreneurs seeking to promote their products or services.

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How long is an entrepreneurship degree?

Entrepreneurship degree programs provide students with the essential business skills and comprehensive business ownership plans necessary to initiate a business or basically grow the business from the ground up. These programs that offer study in entrepreneurship are available at various academic levels, including associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees and can help you run your own business. Depending on the level of study pursued, students may dedicate two, four, or six years to their entrepreneurship education.

Bachelor's degree programs necessitate twice the number of college credits for graduation compared to associate's degrees. Typically offered both online and on campus by four-year colleges and universities, these entrepreneurship courses are designed to be completed in four years of full-time study, although some students may be required to take additional time to finish.

Although not obligatory for achieving success as a self-employed individual, graduate-level entrepreneurship programs are widely sought after. Pursuing a master's degree that provides core business skills usually entails two additional years of study in business classes beyond earning a bachelor's degree.

What kind of job can I get with an entrepreneurship degree?

No two entrepreneurs are the same and as such, neither are their ideas. So when it comes to a job, or rather the company that entrepreneurs run, the possibilities are virtually endless. But as in life, there are many options to choose from.

With an entrepreneurship major degree, you can start and manage your own business venture. This could involve launching a startup, franchise, or small business in virtually any industry. Many companies seek the expertise of business consultants to provide advice on strategic planning, market analysis, organizational structure, and other aspects of business development. An entrepreneurship degree equips you with the knowledge to offer valuable consulting services.

Understanding the principles of entrepreneurship can prepare you for a career in venture capital or investment management. Venture capitalists evaluate and invest in promising startups and entrepreneurial ventures, while investors provide funding and support to help businesses grow. Large corporations often hire innovation managers to drive internal entrepreneurship and foster creativity and innovation within the organization. These roles involve identifying new business opportunities, developing innovative products or services, and implementing strategies for growth and competitiveness.

With your entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, you can manage or own a small business, such as a retail store, restaurant, consulting firm, or service-based business provided you have a solid and comprehensive business plan. Your degree can help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and maximize the success of your business venture. And, social entrepreneurs create innovative solutions to address social, environmental, or community challenges while also generating sustainable revenue. An we have said before, an entrepreneurship degree depends on several factors but can provide you with the skills to launch and manage social enterprises focused on making a positive impact.

About the author
Mark Talmage-Rostron
Mark Talmage-Rostron

Mark is a college graduate with Honours in Copywriting. He is the Content Marketing Manager at Nexford, creating engaging, thought-provoking, and action-oriented content.

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